Spatial Vision for Utrecht’s Beurskwartier
Commissioned by five housing associations, PUC produced a sustainable and inclusive environmental vision for the Beurskwartier in Utrecht.
An Inclusive Beurskwartier
Utrecht’s five housing associations Bo-Ex, GroenWest, Portaal, SSH and Woonin commissioned PUC to prepare a spatial vision for the sustainable and inclusive redevelopment of the Beurskwartier and Lombokplein near Utrecht’s Central Station. We elaborated this in the manifesto Beurskwartier in balans, which was presented to Utrecht’s municipal executive.

This vision was the reason for the City of Utrecht to increase the ambition for social housing in the Beurskwartier to 35%

A Joint Ambition
The publication articulates the joint ambition of social housing developers to realise a socially just, sustainable and lively area in the city centre. Building at least 35% social housing is central to this. The vision is an offer to the City of Utrecht for the construction and development of this new city centre area based on six themes: mixed and inclusive, lively city district, fine-grained spaces, sustainable = affordable, healthy urban living, and smart and clean transport. The release of this vision was the immediate reason for the City of Utrecht to increase the ambition for the number of social rented homes in the Beurskwartier to 35%.