Placemaking in Amsterdam Nieuw-West
Commissioned by the City of Amsterdam, PUC worked for two years on a comprehensive placemaking programme in three neighbourhoods in the Nieuw-West district.
A Lively Placemaking Programme
In 2021, PUC won a tender for placemaking in Amsterdam Nieuw-West for a period of two years. The project focuses on three different locations: Dijkgraafplein, Gerbrandypark and Sloterdijk III. At these three locations, Stadsdeel Nieuw West wants to boost liveliness through art, culture and activation of public space. Over two years, we organised about 40 local programmes — from a neighbourhood festival to a pop-up park.
Over 2 years, we organised around 40 programmes in 3 neighbourhoods
Creativity, participation and cooperation with local citizens and organisations are central to this placemaking process. This ensures lasting impact of the activities. In Gerbrandypark, for instance, the multi-day festival Volle Lucht grew into a permanent stage for local creative talent and we succeeded in setting up an accessible infrastructure for meeting and talent development around Dijkgraafplein. In Sloterdijk III, the Pionierpark is growing into a city-wide concept for temporary greening of vacant lots.