Drungli: The Adventure Generator For Spontaneous Travelers
Say hi to Drungli, an exciting new service that adds a little more adventure to traveling. Calling itself an ‘adventure generator’, Drungli brings you the cheapest random flights to destinations available at any given moment.
Head over to Drungli’s website, pick your city of departure and the date you want to leave, click the ‘Take me wherever’ button and find out where Drungli can bring you. “It is time to escape the tourist type legacy and find more adventurous ways to travel and experience the world! (…) We want to surprise and insprire you to travel more and get your share of beautiful adventures.”
Drungli seems to be the perfect tool for the so-called ‘Easyjetset’. Check out Tobias Rapp’s book Lost and Sound: Berlin, Techno and the Easyjetset if you want to read more about these new groups of young urbanites that travel and party all around Europe, thanks to cheap flights by low-cost airlines like Easyjet and RyanAir. In his book, Rapp describe’s Berlin’s party scene and the weekly influx of youngsters who visit the German capital to blend into its famous nightlife. Of course Berlin’s clubs are an adventure on their own, but aren’t there more destinations to discover with cheap flights? That’s exactly what Drungli’s made for.
Drungli currently covers Europe and parts of Northern Africa. More parts of the world are expected to follow soon…