Startup CrossWater Reimagines the Future of Autonomous Water Taxis
Startup CrossWater is working on autonomous public transport by water. The goal is to have 1 million self-propelled water cabs in cities all over the world by 2025. We spoke with founder Ral Oz.

Instagram Channel Helps City-Leavers Find Their Dream House in the Countryside
Has this Instagram account Cheap Old Houses sparked a revival of unique, old (and cheap!) houses and saved the American architecture of times gone by?

The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle Brings Green Gentrification to the Virtual World
Gentrification is now a thing in video games. The Sims 4 Eco Lifestyle brings urban innovations like renewable energy, vertical farming and participatory planning to the virtual world.

Hotels Around the World Turn Into Apartment Buildings
COVID-19 forces hotels around the world to find new solutions to stay in business. We selected three examples of how hotels reinvent themselves by making a shift towards housing.

How AR Brings Online Shops Into Your Home
Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies are becoming so realistic that they soon might replace in-store customer experiences. As online shops enter your home, traditional retail is urged to reinvent itself.

Berlin’s House of Materialisation Is the Circular Economy’s Answer to a Hardware Store
Build and create sustainably with used materials from Berlin's circular hardware store, Haus der Materialisierung (HdM).

How China Is Reimagining Its Countryside in Architecture
The countryside is emerging as a new frontier of experimental architecture in China.

Wearable Helps You Maintain Social Distancing
The Proxemy Bubble is a wearable that allows you to maintain safe distance from other people during COVID-19.

IKEA Envisions the Home of Tomorrow — Including Spirulina and Aquaponic Farms
IKEA collaborated with Polish designers to imagine how we can integrate a more eco-friendly lifestyle into our future homes.

How China Is Reimagining Its Countryside in Pop Culture
The future is urban? Pop culture and architectural trends in China seem to suggest otherwise. This is the first article of a two-part series discussing the ways in which Chinese society is reimagining the countryside.

Pay for Parking With Electricity Generated by Your Car
At the new Nissan Pavilion in Yokohama, electric car drivers will be able to pay for parking with electricity from their vehicles.

Samsung Wants to Reduce Waste With Multifunctional Packaging
Samsung showcases cardboard packaging designs that can be easily made into furniture — from coffee tables to music amplifiers.

These Tools Help You to Navigate Cities in Safe Social Distance
New navigation tools show how our interaction and valuation of urban spaces is changing as a result of COVID-19 and social distancing.

Small Town Creates Local Currency to Weather COVID-19 Impacts
Tenino, a small town in Washington state, is printing its own currency to help local businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Book a Stay at Culture Campsite — Rotterdam’s Lush Urban Oasis
The Culture Campsite is a calm oasis in downtown Rotterdam that lets you spend the night in unique architectural objects.