Be A Local Hero And Save A Meal
The Finnish company ResQ has devised a food rescuing service, which lets both users and restaurants seal a perfect win-win deal with each other. Since January 2016, the company has helped to rescue 40,000 kilograms of food from ending up in the dumpsters.
By having access to the user’s current location, the smartphone application provides hungry souls with a real-time overview of participating restaurants, cafés and hotels near them. With just a flick of the thumb they can easily scroll through what’s on offer nearby, which might be anything from a cookie to a top-quality restaurant meal.
The thing all of these meals have in common? They need to be rescued from ending up in the trash. Every day, restaurants, hotels, and also consumers throw away perfectly good food and ResQ is here to change that. The app allows you to customize the offers by adding allergies or food preferences and then choose from the leftover meals that are on offer throughout the city.
By allowing both chefs and clients to connect in a simple way, restaurants benefit from new clients, additional income and less waste. One cannot help feeling a little bit like a hero when pressing the “Yes, I want to save this meal!” button and hopping on the bike to go pick it up.