1,000 Recycled Doors Make A Great Façade

1,000 recycled doors are enough for the South Korean architect Choi Jeong-Hwa to transform a dull ten-story building into a fresh-looking landmark. This ‘skyscraper’ in the center of the Korean capital Seoul has become a pixelated landmark, that tells the story of thousand people who once chose a fitting color for a door in their apartment.

In his work Jeong-Wha uses a lot of every-day used objects to transform landscapes, interiors and urban situations. This project, presumely called ‘1,000 Doors’, is astonishing beautiful and brings injects the city scape with some fresh colors. The doors visually translate the diversity of a world city like Seoul, as Inhabitat explains:

“Choi Jeong-Hwa’s imagery is born out his desire to let art engage with the greater population. His work is almost delusional – he takes ordinary, oftendiscarded items and uses them to create unique spaces. 1000 Doors engages with the entire city of Seoul through its immense scale. The mass of doors reads like a crazy advertisement from afar. Up close, the juxtaposition of the common doors scaling the full height of the building is a bit jarring, if not amusing.”

The 1,000 Doors project must be a great stimulation for recycling principles in architecture. We can’t let this project pass without mentioning some other recycled door projects that have been featured here on Pop-Up City. The Utrecht-based collective Stortplaats van Dromen has done similar projects, although on a much smaller scale.