De Clique Helps Make New Consumer Products From Urban Waste

In the Dutch city of Utrecht, circular marketplace De Clique connects waste from local businesses with designers who turn it into new products — from tea to soap.
At present, a significant amount of valuable organic waste such as coffee grounds, cuttings and other food wastes are thrown away in non-recyclable waste streams. Consequently, these wastes end up being destroyed in incinerators. As the waste is not separated or processed in an appropriate manner, the potential of these large residual organic waste flows is barely utilised. In order to counter this problem and to combat wasting valuable urban resources, De Clique established a resource service for the separation and CO2-neutral collection of organic wastes in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

De Clique was developed by experienced entrepreneurs who collect separate bio flows and use these ground materials to create new products such as bread, soap and beer, among other things. The initiative collects this organic waste and packaging materials from companies, supermarkets and hospitality facilities.

Apart from its own facilities, De Clique has a huge network of partners that handle the processing and production of products like soap, tea, beer, oyster mushroom products, animal feed, and compost.

In addition to being an important component of the circular ecosystem in the city, De Clique also helps Utrechts young entrepreneurs, by providing recycled bio raw materials and by hosting a hub for local production.