Urban Calm
In 1892, Nietzsche emphasised the importance of calm and spacious places in cities for people to contemplate. With our cities getting more crowded, noisy and polluted, quietness is becoming a luxury in rapidly urbanising areas.

Antwerp to Quiet Traffic with Noise-Cancelling Fountains
The City of Antwerp is planning to install new fountains in the Brilschanspark to help reduce traffic noise. The fountains will generate a calming sound that will help to shield residents from the noise of the nearby highway.

Tranquility: An Underrated Commodity in Cities
More and more city dwellers are experiencing health problems due to noise pollution. It's time to talk about an undervalued urban commodity: the right to quiet places.

Maze-Like Park Is a Calm Place in the Middle of the City
Parc de la Distance is a finger print-shaped park designed to escape the city in the middle of the city.

Derelict Taiwanese Shopping Mall Becomes an Urban Lagoon
Architects MVRDV have transformed an old Taiwanese shopping centre into a lush lagoon and park.

Giant Indoor Lawn Creates a Space for Daydreaming and Playing
The indoor-outdoor experience brought together architecture and digital soundscapes to make its guests feel the very best of summer.

Put Yourself on Airplane Mode With This Puffer Jacket
New York fashion brand The Arrivals has created a puffer jacket that blocks cellular and GPS signals on smartphones.

Peugeot Wants to Power Electric Cars With Urban Noise
It almost sounds too good to be true — Peugeot's new billboards are capable of recycling city noise into electricity for charging electric vehicles.

Red Rooftop Provides Calm Space for Reflection
Linz-based Urgent.Agency created an art installation that wants you to explore the rooftop as a space for calmness and reflection in the city.

Find Peace and Quiet in the Hectic Urban Life With Hush City
Is quietness becoming a luxury in urban areas? The Hush City app maps quiet places in cities to help people unwind.