X-Rayed Buildings In Budapest
Stirred by brutal large-scale urban renewal in a Budapest’s eighth district, art collective Merge Invisible found a way to commemorate old buildings that have fallen victim to demolition. In their Nefelejcs Projekt, the artists created giant murals that represent black and white X-rays of what once was. Their creations show the former building’s complete interior.
The paintings were based on data collected from the Budapest City Archives and inhabitants that were asked to reconstruct their memory of the area. “We made the plans of the painting with real measures of the buildings walls, roof and every details, the way it was before”, the group explains. A local gallery helped the artists to get materials, sponsors and volunteers to realize the project. It took them a week to complete the painting, which slightly reminds of Stiftung Freizeit’s living room under a bridge in Berlin. As you can see the results are great. Click here to watch a video of the process.