Women-Only Nap Bar Opens Doors In Tokyo
Everything seems to be possible in Tokyo, especially when it involves taking a nap. The most peculiar initiatives have been set up in the Japanese capital to help the Tokyoites to get some rest. We all know the capsule hotels that offer ultra-tiny sleeping cabins, but this is the first time we see a nap bar. Located in Tokyo’s Chiyoda-ku neighborhood, the recently opened Nap Cafe Corne is a women-only bar where busy women can rent a place to take a power nap.
The Nap Cafe targets women-on-the-move that want to escape the busy city for a few moments. A poster in the bar suggests for what kind of occasions women can use the service — “for instance when you’re sleepy and had to get up early in the morning, when your feet are tired from walking around all day, when you got caught in the rain and your clothes are all wet or when you have plans late at night and you want to rest up before going out.” Beside a stylish and comfortable-looking nap space, the cafe also offers a make-up and changing room, a restroom, a kitchen, a small shop that sells healthy relaxation food. Before taking a nap, customers can pick a favorite pillow out of hundreds. The prices for all this comfort are very reasonable — Tokyo’s tired women pay close to €1 for every ten minutes they use the service.
The concept is one of those things that emerge from the enormous work loads for office workers in Tokyo. Although I believe that napping services would also work in other big cities around the world, long work weeks, short nights and high levels of stress are a collective disease in Japan that’s no more than exhausting. Tokyoites in particular face high risks to get caught sleeping behind the desk. Going home for a quick nap is hardly possible when you live in an extremely large city with over 34 million inhabitants. Obviously, a spot to take a nap close to work is the ultimate luxury.