Take Care Of Your Plants With Your iPhone
Some people talk to their plants, but thanks to some nerds, plants can now talk to people. If you pay more attention to your smartphone than to the plants in your apartment, this app is made for you. Koubachi is a recently launched app that enables plants to communicate with their owners through a Wi-Fi sensor. When Sally needs water, fertilizer or more light, she tells you.
The app-based plant growing system was developed by alumni of technical universities in Switzerland and Germany. Koubachi helps you take good care and prolong the life expectancy of your beloved plants. The app is extremely easy to use thanks to its neatly designed interface.
Koubachi’s wireless Internet sensor measures soil moisture, ambient temperature and light. Comparing data to instructions in plantcyclopeida, the app is able to send hints and needs concerning the plant to an iPhone or a web portal. The app gives real-time detailed care instructions when and how to care for your plants. Taking care of a plant has never been this simple. But the most important conclusion to be made here is that Koubachi shows that the Internet of Things is slightly being introduced in mass consumer products.