Should Berlin’s Grumpy Bus Drivers Become UNESCO World Heritage?

A campaign wants to gain UNESCO World Heritage status for Berlin's public transport — including its yellow busses with grumpy drivers, packed metros and regular delays.
The transport operator BVG and all its perks has long held a special place in hearts of the Berliners. In 2018, the BVG appeared in international media when Adidas launched a limited edition of sneakers, that doubled as a yearly ticket for Berlin’s public transportation network. Since merging street fashion with mobility, it was also obvious to non-Berliners that the metro lines and busses are more than just a mode of transport, but part of the city’s unique culture.

Now, the BVG, founded already in 1847, are taking the — according to the initiators — obvious next step by officially applying for UNESCO World Heritage status. The transport operator is known for its humorous marketing and not taking itself too seriously. We should also definitely take this campaign with a pinch of salt. Still, it’s a great example of how an urban institution, that sure has its flaws (check out the video), can make use of creative marketing to gain people’s appreciation.

It’s refreshing that the BVG celebrates its unique localness, even though it comes with the “Berlin original” grumpy bus drivers. If you experienced and cherish the BVG as cultural heritage, you can support them with your vote on this website or directly at the ticket machines.