Plot: An On-Demand Private Urban Garden
Owning a garden in the city is usually considered a privilege. But people of Manchester don’t have that misfortune any more. They have Plot at their disposal, an on-demand private garden that can be booked for two hours a day, whenever they need it.
Often we go to parks and gardens to relax after a long work day and when we get there, that perfect spot for relaxing is occupied, or strangers are sitting so close we can’t have our quiet moment. We then start to fantasize about how perfect it would be to have the park just for yourself, and go on imagining everything it would take to get local authorities to close it just for us. Soon after we realize something like that would be impossible and we decide to go on with our day, leaving that idea behind.

Manchester-based digital design company magnethicNorth offers just that with Plot, an ‘on-demand’ urban green space that can be booked. The garden was first set up as a part of the Dig the City urban gardening festival that took place this past August. “Plot explores the idea of turning outdoor space into a service and, like on-demand TV or music, gives people the chance to use a garden at a time that works for them,” explains initiator Lou Cordwell.

By filling out the form on their website you can book your two-hour Plot slot in a roof garden on top of a beautiful Victorian building and use it as you like. Technology plays an important role in the project: users can get access to the space by unlocking it with their smartphones, and big screens welcome you and let you know that you’re the king of the park for the next two hours. Moreover, the on-demand garden offers a Wi-Fi connection for those in need of it. And if you wish to interact with the flora of the garden, a solar-powered sensor, made by Technology Will Save Us, will tell you if they need watering.