CultureHouse Turns Vacant Stores Into Community Living Rooms

Non-profit CultureHouse transforms Boston's empty storefronts into pop-up social spaces for the neighbourhood.
CultureHouse’s aim is to improve liveability in local communities by facilitating a space to hang out, meet other people, work, create, share skills, and learn. While most cities focus on the proliferation of estate retailers, CultureHouse has taken a tactical urban approach by occupying vacant storefronts and turning them into indoor public spaces. By hosting a variety of events such as game nights, community dinners, conversations, and film screenings, those spaces become a living room for the community.

In the future, the creators would love to have a permanent presence somewhere with satellite pop-ups around that. By partnering with local resources and offering CultureHouse as a platform to enhance what’s already there, they see potential for this method in every city. Hence, they are eager to help bringing a CultureHouse pop-up anywhere where there’s a need for it, so people around the world could benefit from access to community-driven spaces.