Pop-Up City was an official media partner of the 2014, 2016 and 2018 editions of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam.

IABR President George Brugmans on the Future of the Architecture Biennale
President of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Georges Brugman, discusses the role architecture plays in facing current climate challenges and the future of the organization.

The Hardware Store of the 21st Century Is Here
Buurman is a circular hardware store in Rotterdam that gives used materials a second chance.

Water School Helps India’s Youngsters to Shape a Sustainable Future
A quarter of India's population is facing water shortage because there's no effective system to store and distribute water. Renowned Studio Makkink & Bey, in collaboration with artists, designers and craftsmen, are setting up an elementary school that teaches pupils to tackle this problem and shape a sustainable future.

IABR 2018 Explores Small Green Ideas That Can Make a Big Change
Global actions are required to fight climate change, but how can we integrate sustainable behavior into our daily lives? The International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2018 explores small ideas from the creative community that can make a big impact.

World’s Smartest Port in the Making
A city that is no stranger to the industrial manufacturing industry, Rotterdam is developing the next phase of a ten-year plan for innovation along its two port neighbourhoods. At Rotterdam Makers District, forward-thinking creatives are given space to experiment and develop new products to reshape the manufacturing industry as we know it.

Empowering Local Entrepreneurship In Rotterdam’s Afrikaanderwijk
The Afrikaanderwijk Cooperative promotes local entrepreneurs and supports local residents to explore their talents in South-Rotterdam's Afrikaanderwijk.

Wecyclers Turns Waste Recycling Into a Game
Wecyclers is a social initiative that encourages low-income households to recycle their waste through garbage collectors on cargo bikes.

Beijng’s Underground Bomb Shelters Get New Life As Community Centers
The Digua Community transforms Beijing's former bunkers into underground community centers.

Getting Lost In Hong Kong’s Narrow Back Lanes
Hong Kong In-Between invites you to experience the bustling city’s narrow back lanes — the spaces in which we can find the true identity of Hong Kong.

Living With The Dead On Manila’s North Cemetery
With a population of over 10,000, Manila's North Cemetery has become an enormous living necropolis where life is among the dead.

The Next Economy: An Introduction To IABR—2016
Cities are the economic superpowers of the future. Which implications does this have for citizens? Kicking off on 23 April, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam investigates the relationship between spatial design and the Next Economy.

On Kebab Foxes And The Urban Wildlife
Did you know that the average domesticated cat eats around sixteen birds a year? Your cat is not that innocent as it may appear — it's still a wild tiger, only now living in a forest of houses instead of trees. The oyster-catcher used to reside in coastal areas, but now lives on the roofs of our cities. Crow's nests made out of cable ties, string and pieces of wire — meet the urban nature of today.