Procter & Gamble Launches QR Truck Store

What will the future of shopping look like? Perhaps this concept gets close. Two American mega brands, Procter & Gamble and Walmart, team up in a new marketing campaign to promote online and mobile shopping. This truck allows pedestrians to buy household products from the side of the truck by scanning a QR code.

The concept is a mix between the mobile retail concepts such as the food trucks, the pop-up stores and the virtual supermarkets like Tesco’s subway platform supermarket in Seoul. The mobile QR truck store, that hit the streets of Chicago and New York until 27 June, could be tracked via Twitter — the @PGmobile account sends out updates on real-time locations of the truck. According to PSFK, it’s also possible to request the truck to come to your own neighborhood and receive free product samples.

Although this is only a marketing campaign for now, it also shows a bit of the potential of urban e-shopping. Will public space turn into one big digital shopping mall, and will we soon fill a digital shopping basket while walking home?