Vote For The Worst Art Exhibition Title Ever
Since January, eight former prostitution spaces in the west part of downtown Amsterdam are temporary transformed into working and living spaces for international artists. They participate in the exhibition Red Light Art. This art project is a collaboration between housing assocation De Key (who bought the brothels to redevelop them into high class city apartments), the Amsterdam promotion agency I Amsterdam, and the Museum for Modern Art (Stedelijk Museum). This rather bureaucratic approach might explain the chosen title for the project: Red Light Art. The ‘artists in residence’ are invited to reflect on the relation between art practice and current social economic dynamics in the city. One of the artists is Ahmet Ögüt. He used his invitation to critically reflect on the project’s name, inviting passers-by to vote for the worst art exhibition title ever. You can do so by sticking a dot with the title of your choice. And, quelle surprise, the winner is… Red Light Art!