What Makes a Bicycle Brand Want to Design an Electric Car?

"Imagine the ideal city. If you’re like us, that city is clean, peaceful and visually stunning." Danish bicycle brand Biomega is not producing consumer goods, it sculpts the narrative of the lifestyle. After 20 years in the e-bicycle business, the company has launched its first electric car.
Similar to car brand MINI that’s shifting focus to urban living, and Japanese lifestyle brand MUJI that is venturing into autonomous mobility, Biomega reimagines itself as a visionary of future urban mobility by shifting to EV production. It is not just launched another electric car on the market, but a symbolic and radical change in the vision of the urban future transportation by this Danish company. Their e-car SIN, named after the city of Singapore, will go into production in 2021 and will cost $20,000. An important aspect of the car is its compatibility with ridesharing. It will have a user-friendly, intuitive interface much desirable by a typical urban dweller used to high levels of reliability and comfort.

The co-creation of SIN by big-name designers such as Danish collective KiBiSi, London designers Ross Lovegrove and Marc Newson is key — not only in this project but all of the past Biomega projects. The typically Scandinavian design incorporates elements from different disciplines into a new functional aesthetic hybrid. It prioritizes low cost, comfort, and sustainability to the superfluous styling.

SIN shows that, in the near future, lifestyle brands collaborating with famous design studios will not only decide how our homes will look like, but also how our cities will function.