Telok Blangah's Flying Infrastructure

Telok Blangah Hill Park

Singapore’s Telok Blangah Hill Park is an amazing park structure consisting of different landscape types connected through a fly-over-like infrastructure. Within the context of the Weak Signals, Wild Cards exhibition, curated by art gallery De Appel in Amsterdam, a little green book with images of the park has been published. I discovered it lying on a palet in the Tolhuistuin exhibition space and took a free copy.

The little green book is a survey by Heman Chong done in 2009 regarding the Telok Blangah Hill Park. It features the relation that nature has with the constructed infrastructure in the park. It’s a relation that on one hand seems to intervene rudely with walking ramps reaching above the trees. On the other hand this relation it’s a respectful relationship. Telok Blangah Hill Park is a great piece of landscape architecture. Vistors can experience the landscape from a monkey perspective, but at the same time they are not very disturbing to the natural processes of the woods.