On The Future Of Our Food
Matt Brown, a student Interaction Design at the Swedish UmeĆ„ Institute of Design, is the guy behind the project ‘Food and the Future of It’. He created an awesome blog (one of those small jewels you find from time to time), which he used to report about his research on the future of our food. Brown wanted to know what the human species will be eating in 2040. He came up with some interesting findings. In 2040 everyone will own a 3D printer which is able to create instant food. Check this article for instance, which is about printing your own pasta. According to Brown, also lab-grown meat will be totally normal by that time.
Brown assumes we will be growing our own food in 2040 by extending cells and proteine. What makes his project very interesting, is his ‘research by doing’ approach. As you can read and see on his blog, Brown already does some recommendations to handle with food production in the future, and he even designed some kitchen utensils for the next generation of our food. Very interesting.