Nottingham’s Blind Spots
Yesterday I realised how many articles on this blog apparently deal with the topic of urban guerrilla movements. This is another interesting one that makes people aware of privacy infringement due to the massive amount of CCTV cameras on the streets of England.
German designers Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser mapped out all of the spaces within the city of Nottingham that escape the view of street cameras. At these spots they built small cabines from found materials for anyone who is sick and tired of being surveilled by the government.
Köbberling and Kaltwasser explain:
“The work will be an act of resistance to occupy and reclaim a space and change its meaning. At the same time, the work mirrors the socio-economic aspect of the city – the city as a resource, the materiality of the city, the free material of a city. ‘Blind Spot’ asks for sustainability, encouraging similar spaces everywhere to resist the powers that be, the powers that create a homogenised surveillance state.”