Memories Left On The Asphalt

Candy Chang doesn’t miss a hit. Once again she created a great public project for the community, this time in Turku, Finland, European Capital of Culture 2011, as part of the programs Flux Aura and Artist as Neighbor.

Chang transformed a pedestrian path that leads to the local university into an interactive installation to share (as usual) the ideas and thoughts of the citizens. The path is nicknamed ‘Uraputki’, or Career Path, which explains why she drew some fill-in-the-blank sentences on pavements saying “When I was little I wanted to be _____. Today I want to be _____”. She gave people some colored chalk to write down their memories, wishes and life choices. The project’s aim is to reflect on our lives and how much we’ve changed (or not) — comparing our youth with our present and, at the same time, share all these thoughts with other people. I have no idea of what Candy Chang wanted to be in her childhood, but for sure we are all happy with her colorful works of today.