Great Urban Campaigns For Boring Shoes

A Chinese footwear manufacturer has made this small electric in the form of a giant shoe. According to Kang Shoe Company’s CEO the shoe car is designed as a branding campaign. Explains J-Walk Blog:

“It can carry two people up to 250 miles at speeds of up to 20 mph on a single charge of the battery underneath the driver’s seat. The leather ‘bodywork’ is made in the same way as a normal shoe but on a bigger scale, using the hide of five bulls. A Kang Shoe company spokesman said it took six months to design and build the car at a cost of around £ 4,000. The company demonstrated its bizarre vehicle outside its headquarters in Wenzhou in eastern China’s Zhejiang Province. Currently there are plans to make 40 of them available for stores around the country.”

Guerrilla marketing could be a good branding method for footwear brands. Beyond the big marketing efforts by Nike and Adidas, initiatives like these, that target a completely different customer group, are growing in number. Interesting in this ‘boring shoe’ market segment is an (unintentional) guerrilla campaign by Danish footwear company Ecco. When someone wears Ecco shoes, whether it’s on the beach or in the snow, a stamp of the brand’s name becomes visible in every footstep. A route of tiny but visible logos connects the beach walk experience to Ecco shoes.