Blogging The City Live!
Thanks to Philips, Blogging the City will be live streamed. Do you have any questions for the speakers? Send them to their personal Twitter accounts (see below) and make sure to use the hashtag #bloggingthecity. (We have a tight schedule, but we try to do some Q&A.) Enjoy!
14:00-17:00 (CEST): Blogging the City Afternoon Program
- Jeroen Beekmans and Joop de Boer (Pop-Up City — @popupcity
- Stefan Höffken (Urbanophil) — @urbanophil
- Régine Debatty (we-make-money-not-art) — @wmmna
- Zef Hemel (City of Amsterdam, Vrijstaat Amsterdam) — @zefhemel
- Luc Harings (ilovenoord) — @ilovenoord
- Wouter Boon (Amsterdam Ad Blog) — @amsterdamadblog
- Martijn de Waal (The Mobile City) — @themobilecity
20:00-23:00 (CEST): Blogging the City Night Program
- Mikael Colville-Andersen (Copenhagenize) — @copenhagenize
- Filip Visnjic (CreativeApplications) — @creativeapps
- Rudolf Klöckner (Urban Shit) — @urbanshit
- Antonia Märzhäuser (Freunde von Freunden) — @fvonf
- Charlie Hilton (Urban Times) — @theurbantimes
- Ernst-Jan Pfauth ( — @ejpfauth
- Thomas Marzano (Philips) — @thomasmarzano