Best Of 2011

The last day of 2011 is a good moment to highlight some of this year’s articles our readers found most interesting, intriguing and appealing. Click on ‘Read more…’ to go to the entire posts. It was a great year for us, and 2012 might even be better since we’re building a brand new lay-out in collaboration with art director Christian Borstlap. We wish you all the best of luck in 2012!

Slide To The Train
Installed next to a stairway at the newly renovated railway station Overvecht in the city of Utrecht, this awesome slide offers travellers the opportunity to quickly reach the railway tracks when they’re in a hurry. But above all, the slide is a great instrument to make the city more playful. This article became an instant hit, not in the last place because it was featured by the Huffington Post. Read more…

IKEA Urbanism: A New Era In Urban Design?
IKEA has proposed to build a complete neighborhood in East London. The Swedish furniture giant tries to implement its ideas and concepts in new fields of knowledge and urbanism. Read more…

London Sky Orchestra
On one day in July, Londoners found themselves awoken by a strange ethereal soundtrack cast across the city. Seven hot-air balloons set off from Southwark Park towards Canary Wharf and Tower Bridge in the early hours of the morning, playing a composition by Dan Jones. The balloons also take off today and tomorrow, all to mark the year running up to the Olympics, and the host of cultural events it promises. Read more…

A Flexible Camper With A Vespa Inside
Inspired by the Piaggio APE 50 tricycle, the German designer Cornelius Comanns designed a one-person home for modern travelers. His Bufalino Camper is a great mixture of Italian design and German functionality. The mini-camper comes with all services needed for modern people on the move, which means it not only gives space to a bed, shower, kitchen and plenty of storage space, but also a fridge and laptop desk. Read more…

Bird City In The Tree Of Heaven
To reflect on the ecology and the biodiversity of two sites on opposite sides of London, art and research collective London Fieldworks built a sculptural installation in a two trees in the city. ‘Spontaneous City in the Tree of Heaven’ consists of several hundred bespoke bird boxes mounted in two trees, resulting in a true urban bird village in the middle of London. Read more…