App Helps You Find Calm Spaces In The City

City goers around the world are familiar with the constant noises of the urban environment, and sometimes it feels difficult to escape. Adelaide, Australia is no different, with urban dwellers being constantly faced with cars honking, people shouting and the general ‘buzz of the city’. Although is city ‘buzz’ appeals to many people, one cannot deny that it is sometimes tempting to try to escape the chaos.

In response to this, Stereopublic, an art project in the form of a website and an app, crowdsources information about calm spaces in cities around the world. Stereopublic allows its users to contribute to the map of their city and to identify more tranquil spaces where other city dwellers can go to relax, work or get away from the hussle and bussle. Users of the app are also able to listen to calm and relaxing compositions, created by sound artist Jason Sweeney that may enhance their quiet escape in the city.


Described as a ‘sonic health service’ Stereopublic is fully embracing a ‘New Sublimity’ attitude towards city life, with the understanding that people are beginning to seek a less connected lifestyle.. Or at least some of the time.