A Phone Booth Full Of Fish

Some projects are just too nice to not show here. This phone booth aquarium featured by GOOD as ‘image of the day’ is a brilliant example of an inspiring urban intervention. It not only looks very well designed, but brings people together, all staring at a phone booth as if they are walking through a museum. The phone booth aquarium is a project by lighting designer Benoît Deseille and artist Benedetto Bufalino. The project was executed as part of the annual Festival of Light in the city of Lyon, France. In an accompanying statement, the artists explain the inspiration behind the piece:

“With the advent of the mobile telephone, telephone booths lie unused. We rediscover this glass cage transformed into an aquarium, full of exotically colored fish; an invitation to escape and travel.”

PopTech relates this project to a series of other upcycling concepts using unused phone booths. Since people do not use public phones any more, they become inspiring objects for artistic interventions all over the world. Unconsumption has collected them all.