CityTouch: The Urban Lighting System Of The Future

Intelligent technologies allow for ground-breaking innovations in urban environments. A great example here is CityTouch, an online urban lighting management system developed by Philips that enables dynamic, intelligent and flexible control on a city-wide scale. 

The CityTouch system is able to provide light precisely when, where and in the right amount needed. Why fully illuminate the streets when there’s no-one outside? Yeah folks, the Internet of Things is on its way. In the future almost any object and space will be connected to the Internet, able to be located, monitored and controlled. As we see, urban lighting will be no exception to this.

Combined with LED lighting, CityTouch can save cities up to 70% in energy and 70% in maintenance costs. The system makes use of an online interface for lighting operators that provides real-time status reports for every light point in the city. CityTouch is currently being tested in several European cities, including Prague and London. The system looks very promising, so it would be great to see it being rolled out in more cities in the future. Click here to watch a video which explains the concept. In case you’re inspired, you should definitely also check out CityTouch’s little brother Dial4Light, a text message-based urban lighting system we discussed earlier on Pop-Up City.